Flying High

It was a fantastic end to the year for SPT with the Concert of the Royal Air Force at the Cotswold SchoolSPT had a stall and managed to raise £150 in about only 2 hours.  Colin and Terasa even managed to have seats next to some very important dignitaries of the Rotary Club and enjoyed a wonderful festive concert

Miles Ahead!

Miles Taylor became the 2nd Scout to receive the Sam Pilcher Trust award.  This award is given to a Beaver/Cub/Scout who has shown outstanding dedication and enthusiasm over the past year.


The Rotary Club of the North Cotswolds

On 9th October, Colin and Terasa gave a presentation to The Rotary Club of the North Cotswolds about SPT.  It was a very nerve-wracking task and was the first the Trust has so far performed but we should not have feared because we were given a wonderful reception and were overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity given.  Below is one of the wonderful comments that we received:

[quote cite=” Peter”]“Albert gave a vote of thanks that echoed all the members’ appreciation of how you explained your Trust, both present and future. I wish to add my thanks for such a clear and concise presentation. I am sure we will be working closely with you in the future and will want to know when your website is up and running, so that we can be up to speed with events. All the very best for the future of the Sam Pilcher Trust”[/quote]

Tigers grrrrr.

Yes SPT has purchased 60 tigers.  After much investigation at Mothercare we managed to find T-shirts for them to wear (Tiny Baby size); then Will at Wreal Embroidery embroidered these too.  There are many plans for these furry friends including:

  • Giving them to the children at the Oncology departments at Bristol and Gloucester Royal Hospitals.
  • Finding homes/shops/businesses around the area to provide Name the Tiger events.
  • Selling them and using as Raffle Prizes at SPT fund raising events.

Sam’s birthday, 7th August

On Sam’s Birthday, 7th August, a small gathering held prayers over Sam’s new head stone.  We are sure he is very proud of the result and would like to thank Graham Dodridge for the design, Peter Shaw who beautifully sculptured and installed it and Stan Shires for some fabulous photographs

Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital

We’ve had a very rewarding time spending the money that we have raised.  The Teachers and Play Leaders at Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital were so pleased and grateful for the items donated by SPT that it made us realise how important it is that we continue to support them.

Visits to Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital School Room to deliver iPads, Art Books, Art Materials, Sports equipments (including table tennis bats, ping pong balls and nets).  The pictures  show Max and Terasa with the Teachers and Play Leaders.
